Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday December 11, 2010

Today we had Peyton's 11th birthday party at Incredible Pizza. It was fun for everyone, but we were missing Devaun. He wasnt feeling very well, so he stayed home with Luv.

Afterwards we went to my moms house to be with him. He hasnt eaten much today except for a couple strawberries and grapes. He also hasn't been taking the extra pain medication when he needs a little extra, but just rather deal with the pain. Its so hard to see him crying and hurting in pain and refuses to take his meds.

I had talked to the hospice nurse today and was told that he probably won't make it to Christmas. From the looks of it I dont think he will make it through the rest of the next week. I am trying to be strong through this but its getting harder and harder seeing him the way that he is. I just feel so helpless and dont know what to do. I know there is nothing that I can do but just sit and watch and try to make him feel a little better. He has also been wanting Luv (biological mom)to be with him constantly. I think it is so wonderful that she is here for him now, especially when he needs her. I know that he loves me and will always love me but I think right now he needs his biological mother there and needs to feel her love.

He has so many people that love and care about him and we hope that he can feel the love that surrounds him. Please everyone, say an extra prayer for him as I will.

1 comment:

  1. Khomp, I did not think my heart could break any more than it already had for Devaun. You are such a strong and amazing woman! I am proud to call you my friend...please know that I am hear if you need anything! And as always...Hugs and Kisses to that sweet boy!
